15 November 2011

Death by Doxie: The Dogs in Costume Edition (Part 3)

Sooo, this makes three 'dogs in costume' posts...too many?  Am I perhaps losing the last few of you who were defending my crazy dog lady status?  Well, it's a risk I'm willing to take because really, have you ever seen anything more patently ridiculous than Elfi in a hanbok?    

Dae han min guk!


  1. Now that does take the cake, what a good use of traditional Korean dress! And tykie though it was most amusing!

  2. how cute! i love the karate (or is it tae kwon do?) uniform!

  3. Totally love Elfi's outfit. There can never be too many sausage dress up posts!

  4. Ahhh bless them didn't realise the name for the Korean dress thanks for that & Alycia's comment made me laugh very quick witted :))

  5. omg, that first photo! how can those eyes be so completely perfect! it makes me want to draw her/him. super cute. i love crazy dog ladies!


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