04 July 2011

Guest Post: Introducing Juanita Tortilla!

Today I am super excited to be introducing my first ever guest blogger!  Please give a warm welcome to Juanita, the fabulously talented lady behind Juanita Tortilla.  I met Juanita through the Etsy Expats team - she's originally from Singapore, has lived in the US, and now lives in Switzerland!  Anyhow, here she is to tell you a bit more about what she does...


I am more of a daydreamer than a doer, and more of a doer than a reader.  So when it comes to crafting and putting things together, it is all self taught.  In 2004, while living in America and struck severely by the DIY fever, Juanita Tortilla was born.

As of 2009, the aim of Juanita Tortilla is to reduce new waste and to work with resources that are already available to us.  By reusing materials and repurposing, it has allowed me to create one-of-a-kind, unique and functional things such as bags, purses and smartphone covers.


Thanks Juanita!  I find the way Juanita combines and repurposes existing materials to be quite inspiring, don't you? 

Want more?  You can explore her website here, or you can head on over to her lovely blog.  Her crafty creations are also available in her Etsy shop - if you click on the images in this post  it'll take you directly to that item.


  1. Have fun in the Italian sun! *jealous* Hey, I'm right next door to you, if you ever want to swing by *LOL*

    Thank you for this opportunity. This feature gets to go up on my Featured page, whee! http://juanitatortilla.blogspot.com/p/featured_30.html

  2. Hello Juanita.

    What beautiful items you have. And yes, I'm so jealous of Emily's travels right now.....wish I were there:)


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