
01 June 2012

Death by Doxie : More! Elfi on the Sick Bed

The great news in our world at the moment is that the husband is almost fully recovered! He's back home and back at work and no longer losing a lung and/or climbing the walls with boredom. We missed our trip to Australia but instead flew the step-sons to Seoul for a few days, which was perfect - just what the doctor ordered, you might say. 

Yep, we no longer need a sick bed in our house, but Elfi looked so absurdly cute perched up on it that I'm sharing some more photos of her on the sick bed. How could I not?


  1. I LOVE your doggy photos. They are just the best! Glad to hear that your hubby is on the mend.

  2. I think she will miss the "sick bed" the most. Perhaps they both loved the time you were all at home and not traveling....:) Glad to hear the husband is better!

  3. Fabulous news that your hubby is feeling better. It must have been a long and tiring past few weeks.

    Elfi is adorable and has clearly claimed the sick bed as her own. :)

  4. Glad your husband is better Emily awww poor Elfie!!


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