
01 March 2011

Weekend things...

This weekend there was strong, milky tea drunk in cups that came from Retro Vertigo (possibly the best Etsy seller I've come across, amazing customer service!) and there was scrambled eggs on buttery toast with bacon (yum!).  Plus there was the crossword, which we conquered, eventually.

We watched hundreds of pearlescent ballons floating through the blue sky; we played scrabble (and I won two games in a row which is unheard of! Go me!); and we immersed ourselves in the glorious colour of Pedro Almodovar and the hilarity of 30 Rock.  We walked the dogs around the 'hood, but mostly, we stayed at home.

Oh! And I started work on a whole new style of handmade photo notecards, the first step in a complete overhaul of my Jorpins Cards Etsy shop, hurrah!

How was your weekend?


  1. That breakfast looks delish! I love playing scrabble but didn't this weekend. I still had a great one though.

  2. Oh wow! That is SOOO sweet of you to say, Emily! It most definitely takes two, my love. Which reminds me...I've got an owl to photograph! :D


  3. Great link to Retro Vintage! Very distracting during a work day! Love your blog.

  4. that bacon looks good and I don't normally go for bacon. I love that 3rd photo, I thought it was sparkles of light !

  5. I really love this set of photos. Sounds (and looks - scrambled eggs, yum!) like it was a glorious weekend. I'm an Almodovar fan too. Kellie xx

  6. What a lovely weekend! Scrabble! Lights in the sky! Bacon! Vintage mug! Photography!
    yup - totally deserving of all those exclamation points. :)


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