
20 March 2011

Melbourne: My Sister's House

I had a few crazy days in Melbourne recently.  When I go back home I normally do exactly that, and stay in the house I grew up in with my Mum and step-dad.  But this trip I stayed at my sister's house, which was pretty damn cool.  

Mainly because I got to hang out with my nephews way more than normal - pick them up from school, read them bed time stories, put up with them constantly asking to play on my iPhone... - and my nephews are two of the handsomest, smartest, funniest, coolest kids around (impartial judge that I am).  And it was also cool because at Beci's house there's always something interesting, pretty, colourful, beautiful or delicious to look at.  Plus, their food is scrumptious and their couch is super comfy.  

Though to be honest I could do without the 6.30am wake up calls (aka the youngest nephew squealing at me).  As a part time step-parent to older kids I'm not quite used to the hard slog of late nights and early mornings day in day out...

Anyway, the photos: that's Miso, My sisters cat up the top - don't you just love his saucer eyes? Kind of intense right?  And under that is this amazing teepee (my youngest nephew likes to build nests).  The quilts draped around it where made by my Granny!  They were on our beds in our Dad's house all through our childhood.  I have such strong, fond memories of those quilts, I'm so glad they're still around.


  1. Love the teepee! :) And the Kitty! :)

  2. Sounds like you had a great time in Melbourne.
    I love Miso's eyes ... they are mesmerising.

  3. Oooh, love the rug that Miso's sitting on! Kellie xx


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